
主要: Applied Physics with a Pre-Engineering Emphasis

What made you choose to major in applied physics?

最初, 我打算主修土木工程, but Carroll offers the opportunity for students to major in applied physics and continue their education in engineering through the 3+2 program. I chose this major because of a class I took in high school. I enjoyed the class and I found the physics principles so interesting that I decided to study them in college.


My objective is to become a civil engineer and change the demographic in STEM-related occupations because women and Hispanics are currently underrepresented in that field. 通过我的经验和知识的积累, I would like to educate other students from low income communities about the impact engineering has on the world.

How has what you’ve learned so far prepared you for your future?  

先锋核心 courses I have taken throughout my years at Carroll have allowed me to gain many new perspectives. While growing up on the south side of Milwaukee I interacted with a lot of people who had similar backgrounds as me—low income minorities. 一旦我找到卡罗, I was able to interact with people who from all over the world and with different socioeconomic backgrounds. I’ve had the opportunity to have a lot of educated conversations, 在教室内外, 关于影响每个人的时事. 用这个, I know I can go out into the world and have civil conversations with people with different backgrounds from me. I’m also able to work with people with diverse backgrounds.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

的 professors in the applied physics department make sure to provide opportunities that will enrich our education. I recently attended an engineering conference and my professors worked closely with me to make sure all costs were covered. 除了经济上的帮助, they reach out and make connections with engineering firms around the area to help students gain knowledge from the firms around school.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

我是一个 第一代大学生, so I was a little intimidated when I started school because Carroll’s cultural demographic is very different from where I grew up. But, never did anyone here—student or staff—make me feel as if I didn’t belong. 的re are so many people willing to help on campus and if you need help with anything there’s a chance there’s a department on campus that can help you resolve your problem. Attending 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 is a choice I do not regret.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

Carroll has transformed me into a more confident person. It has provided me with opportunities to take on leadership positions on various occasions. With those leadership positions I know that once I graduate, I can take those leadership skills and apply them to any job I receive in the future.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

的re are a lot of people who shy away from applied physics because it’s a rigorous program. However, if this was an easy program everyone would do it. I truly believe that if I was able to get this far, you can do it too! 有很多 学术帮助 available all over campus, so there’s no excuse not to major in applied physics. 也, 因为这仍然是一个较小的程序, the students stick together and help each other get through classes. 

你有奖学金吗?? Tell us how your financial aid has made a difference in your life?

As a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy there are a lot of 奖学金 and government funded programs that I don’t qualify for, so 奖学金 and financial aid were major contributors to furthering my education. Every year it varies slightly, but this school year, Carroll awarded me with 奖学金 这笔钱支付了我71%的学费. I have also received outside aid as a Stein Scholar through the Boys & 大密尔沃基女子俱乐部. If it wasn’t for the 奖学金 I’ve received, I truly believe I would not have attended college.


My favorite place to study has changed over the years, but my first two years I spent most of my time in the 图书馆. In the 图书馆 alone there are different areas to study depending on your level of noise preference. Some sections are louder than others, but there is a completely closed section where it’s quiet. In that same section there are spaces where you can sit by a window next to a heater and a desk. It’s a nice private place where I could focus on what I was doing. Now, my favorite place to study is in the lab rooms of the 应用物理层. It’s also a quiet place where some people in the program study.

Learn more about the the applied physics program

